Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, February 3, 2025
A Time of Persecution Is Approaching!
Message from Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to Sister Beghe in Belgium on January 17, 2025

My dear children,
What would I say to you today? You are close to Me by reading what I say and know that by reading Me you are dear to My divine Heart. You love Me, yes, I know that, but My Love for you is immensely greater. I think of each one of you at all times, in every moment, and you think of Me, yes, I know that, but perhaps with less ardor, less constancy, less immediacy than I have for YOU.
I know that, but with time, with the increasing sanctification of your soul, your love, your attention to everything that concerns Me will increase to the point of the total gift of your life to be faithful to Me.
Yes, My dear children, there will soon come a time of persecution because the devil hates Me and all those who love and serve Me will be his targets. The devil is powerful but he is also very cowardly, he has all the defects and vices, and he loves low blows. Never be surprised, but always turn to Me when you are disconcerted by an unexpected event or behavior. I wasn't surprised by the wave of hatred I was subjected to. I remained myself, gentle, loving and resolutely calm in the face of injustice. I didn't defend Myself, I didn't oppose, I didn't rebel because I came to earth to make amends, to satisfy divine justice and to glorify God.
Then you, My dear children, who are in My Image and My Likeness, will not stop praying just as I, in My Passion, did not stop praying to My Heavenly Father, to give thanks to Him and to be perfectly submissive to Him. I accepted everything, I didn't oppose anything, I spoke when I had to speak, I answered when I had to answer, but at no time was I vengeful. I remained fair and even silent when words would have been useless. Then, in physical, cruel, inhuman suffering, I accepted everything again and prayed to My Father not to let go of his helping hand, not to collapse if he still wanted Me to stand, to keep up the courage to lift the mountains if that was his will.
During the whole time of My martyrdom, God supported Me and He will support you in the same way if you pray to Him. Never think that you are alone when everything around you is cracked, when even those close to you are in doubt about you. My apostles were shaken and the pain felt at the abandonment of those closest to Me was also part of the suffering inflicted on Me in reparation for the offenses committed against God.
I loved you, My children, without interruption, I never stopped loving you, at no time during the physical and moral blows I suffered to regenerate you, to give you back your lost supernatural life, at none of those moments of fear and cruelty did I regret having offered Myself totally for your salvation. The cause was so great in My eyes, your salvation was so important to Me, My Love was so great that I didn't want to spare anything.
My children, when your turn comes to show Me your fidelity for the salvation of your less informed brothers and sisters, do not be afraid, pray to Me as I also prayed to My Father, and I will give you My graces so that you may be in My Image and likeness in suffering as in happiness.
This time is near and it will be your present time, in less time than it takes to count it. Unite yourselves closely to Me and I will welcome you into My Kingdom with the acclamations of the Heavenly Court. You will then have reached the goal of your life, the unimaginable Happiness of Heaven, where all is good, all is just, all is attractive.
I love you, I wait for you, I give you My Strength and My Courage. Love Me back as much as you can and with the grace that I give you through My sacraments, you will not fail.
I love you very much!
May God's grace be with you and I bless you, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So be it.
Your Lord and your God.